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Page 6
“Fuck this,” I whispered, pocketing the phone.
Next to me, Daisy was on her knees in front of reality star and winner of the genetic lottery, Derek Douchebag, and his cock was in her mouth. She was so fucking stoned she couldn’t even keep her mouth open wide, and everyone found this funny.
“Derek, for Chrissakes,” I said.
“You got ten girls and a few guys you can stick it in. Leave her alone.”
“Unless I can stick it in you, just shut the fuck up, Fee-fie Nuthouse.”
I pushed him, hard.
He grabbed my wrist and bent it back. “Don’t you fucking get judgy on me, you slut.”
The bong stood like a twelve-inch clear phallus on the table, and there was nothing I could do but grab it and swing. It landed on Derek’s head with a thunk, breaking in a wash of blood and brown-stained moonshine. He screamed and let go, dick suddenly flaccid. Everyone jumped back but Daisy, who didn’t seem to know what had happened.
“You fucking crazy bitch!” Derek screamed. “You Drazen freak! You’re all freaks! Crazy fucking freaks!”
God, Daisy had puke down her shirt.
I turned to Baby. “Sorry.”
“Yeah. The Samoans’ll take you out. Ping me next week if you want to hang.”
I hoisted Daisy up from under her arms. She was no help at all, and I was halfway to hell myself. Derek was still screaming. Arrow gave him his shirt to soak up the blood.
Two gigantic men picked up Daisy and me, threw us over their shoulders, and put us in one of the party’s hired cabs.
The penthouse suite of the Markham was dusty and unused. Total waste of a view and a pool. Mid-century Danish craftsmen had lovingly wrought chairs that hadn’t felt the weight of an ass in months. It was all waste.
There were no paparazzi outside. I hadn’t lived there in months. Likely they were outside Maundy. And certainly, they hadn’t gotten wind of the night’s drama, but they rarely did. Not the real shit. The real shit was like the mafia. No one talked.
That didn’t change the facts.
It was my fault.
Nothing had happened that I couldn’t have predicted.
From pissing off Deacon and Elliot, to acting like a fucking fool, to breaking Derek’s face… even to Daisy, who wasn’t prepared for a party without boundaries.
I’d wanted to hit bottom.
That was the plan.
Hit bottom and get seen doing it.
But Daisy threw me. And Derek Doucherson, who was just doing what Derek Doucherson did. I hadn’t needed to open up his face.
“You don’t hit bottom alone, do you?” I asked the elevator doors but made the statement to myself. You don’t do it alone.
I owned the floor, so the elevator opened up onto a foyer and a door. Outside the door stood Debbie in a black suit. She stood so straight, she could have been a doll.
“Hey,” I said.
“Hello, Fiona.”
I punched my code into the door, and it clicked open. “Deacon send you?” I was way too sober for this conversation.
“Yes and no.”
Her face told me nothing. She was implacable. She had to be. She’d grown up in a North Korean concentration camp where letting the wrong people know what you were thinking could get someone killed.
“You know who else has that thing you have?” I said as I opened the door.
“To which thing do you refer?”
She stepped in, and I closed the door behind her, letting the moonlight pattern the room in distorted rectangles.
“The thing where you make it so no one knows what you’re thinking.”
“Ah. Who else?”
“My sister. Theresa. It’s like talking to a mask.”
She stepped forward into the dark room until her face hit the light from outside. She looked different in that light. Sad, broken, held together with spit and chewing gum, every crack leading to the center of the earth. “Is this better?”
“No. Yes. But no.”
“Do you know that you’re loved?”
I turned on the lights. “Sure.”
I knew it. I knew it like I knew how to hold my wrists when I was getting knotted. It was a fact, not a feeling. Not something that made me a better person. Actually, it made me feel worse for everyone else’s wasted love.
“Want something to drink?” I asked.
“Water, please.”
My kitchen had been used four times, so I had to look in all the cabinets for the glasses. I didn’t have to search for the Advil for more than a second. I poured us water from the filtered tap I’d forgotten was there and gave her the glass from across the kitchen bar. She sat on a stool. I drank all the water and popped four Advil.
I didn’t think ahead. I swam in the wake of any number of narcotics. My mind felt as if it was made of puzzle pieces that were in the right places but hadn’t quite snapped together yet. I could make sense of my thoughts but not the space in between them.
Part of me wanted another line or another pull off a laced bowl. I’d always been impatient with the time between the high and the not-high. Can’t sleep. Can’t eat. Can’t feel. Can’t think. Might as well take another hit/snort/drink/whatever.
“Why didn’t he come himself?” I asked.
“There’s a crisis. In Eretria, I believe. One of his photographers was drugged and is travelling with a group of ENA soldiers.”
“Jesus. Those are problems.” I put my glass in the sink. “Let me ask you something. How do you even deal with someone like me? You’ve been through so much, and you’re so together. I’ve never had a real problem in my life.”
She nodded, eyes on me. “If you shoot a man’s chest and he’s wearing a bullet-proof vest, he’ll walk away unharmed. If you stab him, he’ll be able to defend himself. But if you punch a naked chest, especially if that person is weak and vulnerable, the heart could stop. If you stab or shoot that chest, they are dead.”
“Am I the naked chest?”
“All I can say is I have a vest on. What you feel pity about, my childhood, is what protects me. You were given nothing. You were free from want. From even the slightest anxiety. Now you have nothing to protect you. Every slap feels like a bullet wound. You tolerate more pain in your life right now than I do.”
I couldn’t help but look at her lips when she spoke, because I couldn’t look her in the eye. She was validating my pain. She was giving me permission to hurt. Of all people, she was probably the one I needed it most from.
I got out two short glasses so I didn’t have to face her.
Behind me, she continued. “In the camp, they took away my humanity from the day I got there. They made me an animal. So as an adult, every day, I have to choose to be human.”
I opened another cabinet and grabbed the first bottle I saw, slapping it next to my glass. I pulled out the cork. I didn’t even know what the liquid was except brown.
Debbie put her hand over her glass. “It was easy for me. The choice wasn’t really a choice. It was life or death. For you, the privileged, you cannot believe you’ve ever done anything to deserve to be a part of this world. You’re told you’re royalty, but you don’t feel it. You can’t. Because you haven’t chosen to be human.”
She took her hand away, and I poured a finger of whatever-it-was into the glass.
“There was a girl with me tonight. Just a regular girl.” I swirled the drink but didn’t drink it. “I thought I’d show her a little fun. I’d take her out to a party and get her drunk on free booze and send her home in a cab. I thought I was doing her a favor.”
I let my eyes linger on the amber liquid for a long time. Debbie didn’t say a word, just gave me time and space to think.
“I think if I hadn’t pulled her out of there, she would have died of an overdose with movie star jizz all over her.” I tapped the edge of the glass on the marble counter.
“You took her to your Camp
22,” Debbie said.
“I won’t belittle what you went through.”
“You’re not. I made the comparison.”
“I don’t know what happened to me tonight. It wasn’t fun.”
“You don’t have to go back to it.”
“I can’t stop alone. Not when I’m like…” Shit, I was crying. The thought of giving it all up by myself was painful. “Everything hurts, and nothing bothers me. I feel all backward. I get bored for five minutes, and I just want to go get fucked or fucked up.” I rubbed my tears with the backs of my hand. “Then I run back to Deacon because he gets it all under control.”
“You say you can’t do it alone.”
I sighed and looked at the whiskey. I didn’t even like whiskey. “The last day, before I got out, I kind of felt good, because of all the work my therapist had done.”
“The man I gave the shoes to?”
“He’s in love with you.”
I sniffed a little laugh. “Yeah. He told me to get a cab. That was… wow.”
“I bet it wasn’t easy for him,” she said.
I knocked back the whiskey and cringed. Breathed out hard. Corked the bottle. “I want to be worthy of Elliot because he has faith in me. And I want to be worthy of Deacon because of all the work he put into...” I stopped because I hadn’t had the words until a few minutes ago. Everything clicked into place that night. “All the times he tried to get me to choose to be human.”
“It gets easier.”
“Yeah.” I put the whiskey back in the cabinet. That little shot had done nothing for me. I had the tolerance of a hard-core drinker.
“I didn’t come to save you,” she said.
“No.” She drank the whiskey gently and quickly. Not a drop was left on her lipstick. “Deacon sent me to show you something specific, but I came to show you how to choose.”
She stood and moved to the center of the room. I was on the other side of the counter without a clue as to what she wanted. She looked down and unbuttoned the loops of her tunic. She let the tunic fall down her arms, holding it by her fingertips for a split second before letting it drop to the floor.
Her hands stayed at her sides. Eyes downcast. I understood right away what she needed. We’d known Debbie the Domme, and she was utterly and completely a Dominant, but she’d only ever topped men.
I felt it. Everything Deacon had told me about. The arousing power. The anticipation of a slice of the world that was in my control. The throb of a need to bring a person to the edge for my pleasure.
“Debbie, I can’t.”
“I think you can.”
Could I? I’d never considered it.
I’d had sex with women before, but the only time I’d Dominated one—not just topped, but Dominated—was at the Dome. Before Deacon, back when I did shit because no one was there to stop me, and even then, I wasn’t in control.
I touched Debbie’s nipple. Light brown on Asian-cast skin, it hardened immediately, and I rolled it under my thumb. I felt her breathe, watched her chest heave a little.
I untied her loose silk pants. They dropped below her navel. Under those silken dresses, she had a beautiful body, feminine and strong, with a long waist and narrow hips. With a flick of my fingers, her pants fell.
I thought to ask her if she was sure, but that would defeat the purpose of her request. I took her jaw in my hand and pulled her face up to look at me. She was so beautiful, and suddenly, the thought of having her was more than a lark. It was all I could think about. I kissed her, and it was lovely. The way she reacted to how I moved, submitted her lips to mine, let my tongue invade her mouth. She tasted like oranges. I’d kissed women before, but not like this. Not with purpose.
I took my mouth from hers and put her hands in mine. “Deacon told me he thought I wasn’t submissive.”
She surprised me by dropping her gaze, and I knew right then that I’d had no idea who she was. “He told you because I told him.”
“I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Yes, you do, and you don’t need him.”
I took a step back. Her words were so hard, so definite, and so correct.
Could I do this? Could I spend an hour dominating this woman? I didn’t want to hurt her. She was precious to me.
Maybe that would be what made it work. At least for the next hour. As long as I didn’t have to think past that, I could play this game.
“Take off my clothes,” I said.
Looking downward, she unbuttoned my blouse. Her fingers on the placket were graceful and fine, and I didn’t know if I’d ever been more aroused.
“We haven’t set any boundaries,” I said.
“I know.”
I had to sound sure of myself. “Do you want a safe word?”
“My safe word is Pyongyang.”
“All right.” I hoped I’d remember it. At least for the next hour.
She slipped off my shirt, and I let her service me. Not helping, not hindering as she got on her knees and gently pulled down my skirt, then my panties. I stroked her hair when she ran her hands over my legs. I needed her comfort just then, but I was hesitating. That wasn’t going to work.
“Stand up.”
She did. We stood across from each other, naked but for shoes.
I reached for her breasts and ran the backs of my hands over them. So hard. Maybe as hard as my own. I pinched one nipple, twisting it. Her lips parted, but she stayed silent.
I walked around her, running my hands over her body. She was lovely. I just wanted to enjoy her without responsibility, but that wasn’t why she was here. She’d come here to submit to me. I had a job.
“Back on your knees, beautiful,” I said when I was in front of her again.
She dropped. I put my fingers in her hair, and she kissed my belly. Fuck. I could practically feel her lips on my clit even though she was nowhere near it.
Then I realized how close she was to seeing where I had been hurt. I didn’t want her to see that. She’d know. Anyone who’d spent years as a Dominant would know. I scanned the room quickly. Her clothes were in a pile, including a red scarf. I stretched, grabbed it by the corner, and unwound it from the jacket
“Look at me.” I had to suppress the need to say please. I didn’t know where I’d gotten the compulsion to be courteous.
She looked up at me with her almond eyes, and I covered them with the scarf, knotting it behind her head.
I stepped back, halfway across the room, and sat on the floor. I bent my knees and spread my legs. “Crawl to me.”
She did, putting her head down, letting her breasts swing. God, the things I wanted to do to those tits.
“Eat my pussy. Just your mouth. Lick it up.”
She didn’t hesitate but turned her head and kissed my swollen clit, then she drew her tongue along it.
“Suck on it.”
She flicked her tongue over it then took it between her lips and sucked. I threw my head back. She licked again then sucked. My ass came off the floor. I was full, and ready, but more. I wanted more. More control.
I pushed her face away. “On your back.”
She rolled over, and I crouched over her, knees on either side of her head. She looked at me in complete supplication, and I felt exactly right.
“Take my face,” she said. “It’s yours.”
She opened her mouth, and I lowered myself onto it. “Take it. Eat it.”
I rubbed myself on her face as she tried to grapple for control enough to make me come, sucking and licking whatever I let near her, pulling away then making her drown in me, until I shifted back and put my clit in her mouth.
“Suck it hard.”
I landed on my hands as she pulled on my clit with her mouth, yanking a powerful orgasm out of me. I stiffened, clenched, rubbed myself on her face, and let go.
I crouched over her, panting.
God, how did Deacon do this?
He got the fuck up and ma
de sure I got what I needed.
I stood, wobbly-legged, and moved the scarf off her eyes. “Bedroom’s that way. Crawl in and get up on the bed. You’re getting rewarded for that. Because it was awesome.”
She smiled, face slick and shiny from my cunt. She twisted onto her hands and knees and crawled to the bedroom, head down, toes dragging in the high heels, ass swaying. I walked behind her, feeling a peace I barely understood. She knew how to do this. She was going to do exactly what I asked. Everything was under my control.
When she got up on the bed, she crouched on hands and knees, and I pulled her up to kneeling and kissed her.
“Are you all right with this so far?” I asked.
“I don’t have any equipment or anything.” I was expressing insecurity, and in the middle of the sentence, I realized what a complete buzzkill that would be for her. “So lean back and touch the headboard,” I recovered. “Don’t let it go.”
I pushed her legs up and apart, letting my fingers drift down her belly into her wetness.
“I always loved your cunt,” I said, putting two fingers into her. “It tasted like oranges.” I put my fingers in my mouth and sucked on them. “Still does.”
I reinserted them, then pulled them out with a swipe and a circle on her clit. Her eyes dropped, and her mouth opened.
“Here. Taste.” I put my wet fingers in her mouth.
She sucked on them. I dug them into her throat. Three fingers. I wanted to enter her through my hand. To own her inside and out.
I knew what he felt, all those times, and I knew why it was nourishing for this little bit of the world to be mine.
I shifted over her and put my leg against her cunt until I felt its wetness. She curled herself around my leg, and we moved together. She sucked on my fingers and I pushed against her in ever-increasing rhythms. She looked at me, face scrunched, waiting.
I moved harder and faster against her. How much longer could I make her wait? She wouldn’t come without me saying it was all right.
I wanted her to have the best orgasm of her life, so I made her wait as long as I could.
“Come,” I said.
And she did, fingertips on the headboard, body arching forward then back. I’d never heard Debbie cry out in pleasure, and I’d seen her come plenty of times. But she cried out for me.